Wednesday, December 22, 2010

(Before Christmas) Christmas

Hey I'm blogging about what I'm going to do over Christmas break.  I will play with my xbox360 and I'll  play Black Ops.  I got a new couch it's an L, and I also have a new computer.  I will play with my presents and maybe go to my friends house.  That's what I'll do over Christmas break.  Bye.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Black Ops: Camo

Hey I'm blogging about the camo on Black Ops all the same on each gun same camos and everything. I don't know what they all look like.  Here they are:

                                                              None: Where you don't have a camo.

                                                              Dusty: It's like your gun is dusty.

                                                              Ice: Where your gun looks like it has ice on it or it is just white.

                                                              Red: Where your gun is red.

                                                              Olive: Where your gun has a greenish color.

                                                              Nevada: I haven't used it or ever seen it.

                                                              Sahara: I haven't seen it either.

                                                              ERDL: I haven't seen it either

                                                              Tiger: It's orange and black like Carroll Tigers,

                                                              Berlin: I think it's blue I don't know about that either.

                                                              Warsaw: It's a shade of blue.

                                                              Seberia: It is another shade of blue it's kind of like ice.

                                                              Yukon: I don't know that either.

                                                              Woodland: When you go hunting it's like that stuff.

                                                              Flora: I don't know that either.

                                                             Gold: Where your gun is mostly gold.

                                                             Well that's my blog.


Friday, December 17, 2010


Hey I'm going to tell you what I learned on iGoogle.  I learned that Austin Collie on the Colt's football team got a concussion.  He was full participate in his team.  He went to all the practices.  His position is WR that position is wide receiver.  That's my blog bye.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Black Ops:Maps

Hey I'm blogging about the maps on Black Ops I'll tell you my opinions of them, and what they are like Here they are:

                                                                Array: Large snow covered landscape. I don't really like it.

                                                                Cracked: Streets of Vietnam. I don't like it either.

                                                                Crisis: It's a Cuban base.  I like it.

                                                                Firing Range: Small military practice facility. I like it.

                                                                Grid: Small Russian power grid.  I don't like it.

                                                                Hanoi: NVA prison camp.  I like it.

                                                                Havana: Cuban city. I don't like it.

                                                                Jungle: Vietnam jungle. I like it.

                                                                Launch: Space launch facility. I like it.

                                                                Nuke Town: Small nuke testing grounds. I like it

                                                                Radiation: Abandoned power station. I like it.

                                                               Summit: Research facility on a snowy mountain. I like it.

                                                               Villa: Small Urban base.  I don't like it at all.

                                                               WMD: An old Soviet Base. I like it.

                                                                Well that's my blog.

                                                                         See ya!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Black Ops:Killstreaks

Hey I'm blogging about killstreaks on Black Ops, and you have to get these without dying in a row  Here they are with my opinions:

                                                          Spy Plane(3 kills ): You can see enemies on your radar if they don't have the Ghost perk I like it.

                                                          RC-XD(3 kills): You can control a car with explosives on it and blow it up I like it.

                                                         Counter Spy Plane(4 kills): Kills the enemy radar for a short period of time I like it.

                                                         Sam Turret(5 kills): It shoots down helicopter I don't like it.

                                                         Care Package(5 kills): It carries ammo or a random killstreak I like it.

                                                         Napalm Strike(5 kills): It's like they are shooting fire on you I like it.

                                                         Sentry Gun(6 kills): A gun that you can place on the ground and can be destroyed I like it.

                                                         Mortar team(6 kills: Allows you to seat 3 places and be bombed I don't like it.

                                                        Attack Helicopter(7 kills):A helicopter that is armed with machine guns and missiles can be shot don I like it.

                                                        Valkyrie Rockets(7 kills): A rocket that you control and can shoot over building then go down and kills someone I like it

                                                        Blackbird(8 kills):It's like a UAV but cannot be shot down I like it.

                                                        Rolling Thunder(8 kills): An air strike that you choose the spot of I like it.

                                                        Chopper Gunner(9 kills): Be a gunner of an attack helicopter I like it.

                                                        Attack Dogs(11 kills): They are dogs that are very good.

                                                        Gunship(11 kills): Control and shoot a attack helicopter.

                                                        That's my blog


Black Ops:Perks

Hey what are you doing oh yeah reading my blog!  Well I'm blogging about perks on Black Ops.  Here they are with my opinions:

                                                                     Perk 1:

                                                                     Lightweight:When you run you run faster I don't really like it.

                                                                     Scavenger:Where you start out with double the ammo and can pick up ammo I like it.

                                                                     Ghost:Where they can't see on the map when they have a UAV or Blackbird I like it very much.

                                                                     Flak Jacket:Where you have more health I don't like it at all.

                                                                     Hardline:Where you get killstreaks one kill earlier.

                                                                     Perk 2:

                                                                     Hardened:Where you have deep impact I like it.

                                                                     Scout: Hold your breath longer with a sniper and I don't like it.

                                                                     Steady Aim:Increases hip fire I like it.

                                                                     Sleight of Hand: Where you reload faster I like it.

                                                                     Warlord: Where you have 2 attachments on your gun I don't like it.

                                                                      Perk 3:

                                                                     Marathon:Where you run faster I don't really like it.

                                                                     Ninja:Where the enemies can't hear your footsteps.

                                                                     Second Chance:Where you get on the ground with a pistol I don't like it.

                                                                     Hacker:Where you can see enemy explosives I don't like it.

                                                                     Tactical Mask: When the enemy throws a flash bang(or stun grenade) it doesn't effect you.

                                                                     That's my blog!


Friday, December 10, 2010

Black Ops:Launchers+Assault Rifle Attachments

I'm blogging about launchers plus a bonus for assault rifle attachments.  These are my opinions.  Here they are;


                                                                          M72 Law: It's not that good and you start out with it.

                                                                          RPG:It's the second launcher you can buy, and it's not that good.

                                                                         Strela-3: It is like a stinger on Modern Warfare 2. It's not good for me.

                                                                         China Lake: It is very good! I like it a lot.

                                                                         Grim Reaper: It can only be on a care package it is the best!

                                                                         Assault Rifle Attachments:

                                                                         Extended Mag:It is where you have more bullets in your clip but then you have less clips.  I like it it's very good.

                                                                         Dual Mag:Where you reload faster on your first clip. I like it a lot. 

                                                                         ACOG Scope: Where you have a scope on your gun.  I don't like it at all.

                                                                        Red Dot Sight:Where you have a different sight not the iron sights built on the gun.  I like it a lot. 

                                                                        Reflex Sight: It's another scope and I don't like it.

                                                                        Masterkey: Where you have an attachment of a shotgun.

                                                                        Flamethrower: Where you have a flamethrower on your gun.

                                                                        IR Scope (infared scope):It's another scope that I don't like.

                                                                       Suppressor:It's not good, and it's is where your gun is quieter.

                                                                       Grenade Launcher: Where you can shoot a grenade out of your gun.

                                                                       Grip: It is only available for the M14.  It's not good. 

                                                                       Low Power Scope: It is only for the G11. It's good! 

                                                                       Variable Zoom: It's also only for the G11. I don't like it.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Black Ops: Pistols and Pistol attachments

I'm blogging about Black Ops and the pistols and pistol attachments. These are my opinions of the pistols and pistol attachments here are the pistols and the pistol attachments. Here they are:


                                                                            ASP:It is not very good. It is a semi-automatic.

                                                                            M1911:It is not good either, and it's also a semi-automatic.

                                                                            Makarov:It is like the other pistols, not good and semi-auto.

                                                                            Python:It is a revolver. It is pretty good and it is semi-auto.

                                                                            CZ75:It is the best and classified pistol.

                                                                            Pistol Attachments:

                                                                            Duel Wield: It is where you have 2 of your weapon.

                                                                            Upgraded Iron Sight: Just a different sight on the gun.

                                                                            Extended Mag:Where you have more bullets in a clip.

                                                                            Silenced:Where they can't see you when you shoot on the map.

                                                                            Snub Nose:Where it increases your accuracy, but the range is less.

                                                                            ACOG scope: It is where you have a scope on your gun.

                                                                           Speed Reloaded:Where you reload faster on the gun.

                                                              Well that's my blog.


Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Black Ops: Light Machine Guns+Equipment

I'm blogging about light machine guns plus a bonus and the equipment.  Here are the guns and my opinions of them:

                                                                Light Machine Guns:

                                                                HK21:This is not the best it and you start out with it.

                                                                RPK:It is the second gun and it's not that good.

                                                                M60:I don't like it a lot of people use it though I don't really.

                                                                Stoner63:I like it a lot and it is the classified light machine gun.


                                                                Camera spike:It is the first thing you unlock and it's not that good.

                                                                C4:I don't really use it that much I don't like it.

                                                                Tactical Insertion: You respawn where you lay it, It is not that good.

                                                                Jammer: You jam the enemy radar when they are near it I do not like it.

                                                               Motion Senser: You can see them on your map when they are by it I like it very much I think it is the best equipment.

                                                               Claymore: I like it a lot when they go by it they blow up.

                                                               Well that's my blog!


Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Black Ops Sniper Rifles+shotguns

I'm blogging about sniper rifles on black ops and a bonus +shotguns so read this and make sure you like it these are the guns first the snipers then the shotguns these are my opinions of the guns here they are:

                                                                        Sniper Rifles:

                                                                        L96AW: It is the best sniper for me it's my favorite.

                                                                        Dragunov: It is the first one you start out with and it's bad.

                                                                        Wa2000:It is kind of good not that good don't like it.

                                                                        PSG1:It is the last sniper you unlock it is the best also.


                                                                        KS-23: It is pretty good not that good.

                                                                        Spas-12:It is very good it is the third best for me.

                                                                        Olympia: I think it is the best in all of the shotguns.

                                                                        Stakeout: I think it is the second best for me I like it a lot.

                                                                        HS-10:I don't like it at all it's the last shotgun you can buy.

                                                                         Well that's my blog. Bye!

Black Ops: Lethal and Tactical Grenades+Alternate Ammo+knives

I'm blogging about Black ops grenades and Alternate ammo These are all of them and my opinions of them. These are my opinions. Here they are:

                                                      Tactical grenades:

                                                        Nova Gas(or Nova six) :It is like a gas grenade it's pretty good.

                                                        Willey Pete: It is just like a smoke grenade.

                                                        Flash bang: It is like well they just can't see at all it is pretty good too.

                                                        Concussion:It is like a Flash Bang just you throw it faster.

                                                        Decoy: It is the best one when you throw it it shows a red dot on their map and they go to it and think it is you.

                                                        Lethal Grenades:

                                                        M63 frag grenade: It is a reg. grenade and it blows up.

                                                         Semtex:It is like a reg. grenade but it sticks to any surface even the enemy.

                                                         Tomahawk:It can bounce off any surface but a body it is very good.

                                                         Alternate Ammo:

                                                        Dragon's Breath: It shoots out fire like a flameflower it's very good.

                                                       Explosive Crossbow Tips:You can shoot out a grenade pretty much.


                                                        Knife: It is just a reg. knife it's pretty good.

                                                        Ballistic knife:It is very good it shoots out a knife 3 feet I think.

                                                             That's my blog. Bye!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Call of Duty Black Ops Assault Rifles+G11

I'll be talking about Assault Rifles on Black Ops. Here are all of them these are my opinions on the guns.

                                   M16:This is the 1st gun you start out with and it's not that good.

                                   Enfield: This is the 2nd gun you can buy it's not the best gun.

                                  M14:This is the 3rd gun you can buy it's a semi-automatic it's not that good.

                                  Famas: It's the 4th gun you can buy it's not that good either.

                                   Galil: I don't think it's that good it's the 5th gun you can buy.

                                  Aug: I think it's pretty good not the best it's the 6th gun you can buy.

                                 Fn Fal: It's good not the best either it's the 7th gun you can buy.

                                Ak-47:It's pretty good it's the 8th gun you can buy.

                               Commando: It's the best gun on the game it's the 9th gun you can buy.

                               G11: It's the classified assault rifle and it's the 10th gun you can buy it's not that good.

Black Ops:Sub Machine Guns+Crossbow

Hey my name is Reed.  I am going to talk about the sub machine guns on black ops.  There is:

                                             Mp5k: This gun is the mp5k it is pretty good not that good of a gun.

                                             Skorpion: It is very good on the game I use it sometimes.

                                             Mac-11: I like it it is very good in some games.

                                             Ak74u: It is really good I use it a lot I mostly use it in Team Deathmatch. 

                                             Uzi: I think the Uzi is awesome it is very good.

                                              Pm63: I think it is the best in the subs is it the best?

                                              Mpl:It is very good in zombies.

                                              Spectre: It has 30 bullets a clip and is not that good.

                                             Kiparis: This is the classified sub machine gun on black ops and isn't that good.

                                              Crossbow:It has an explosive tip and can stick to other people it is very good.

                                               Just remember this is my opinion of the guns and some facts.

This is a pic of the crossbow.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

George Washington

Hey my name is Reed.  You probably know me if you go to my blog a lot.  Well anyways I'm blogging about George Washington.  He was born on Feb. 22 1732.  He was the first president.  He also was a leader of the American  Revolutionary War he was a commander in chief of the Continental Army.  Isn't that cool?  I wish I was a commander in chief  he was the leader of the army.  From 1775-1784.  You can find him on the 1 dollar bill. He is very cool.  I think he is very cool because he was a president a leader in a war and all that stuff.  If I could ask his a question it would be how cold was it on the war.  Well That's my blog. I hope you liked it.  Bye!